The Amas mission is devoted to the celebration of cultural equity and minority perspectives...
Amas Musical Theatre is a non-profit, multi-ethnic theatrical organization founded in 1968 by Ms. Rosetta LeNoire. Amas (“you love” in Latin) is devoted to the creation, development and professional production of new American musicals, the celebration of cultural equity and minority perspectives, the emergence of new artistic talent, and the training and encouragement of underserved young people.
Amas celebrates its impact in pioneering multi-ethnic casting in the American Theatre and reiterates its commitment to this reflection of our diverse society.
Amas Musical Theatre commits its work to:
Contributing to the vitality of the American Musical Theatre - a unique American esthetic expression -- through the creation, development and professional production of original musicals.
Bringing creative, musical theatre to the American education system, and enhancing the experience of students.
Encouraging tolerance and civility among people of our diverse society by bringing them together through the art of musical theatre.
Audiences are built by bringing both children and other community members into Amas with free performances and free ticket programs. Amas actively combines artists and audience members from every possible racial, ethnic and religious background, bringing them together to work and learn from each other.
For 50 years, Amas has engraved its unique trademark on the world of musical theatre. We produce quality musical theatre presenting different cultural viewpoints, while reaching out to underserved audiences. Amas attracts actors and artists of distinction and reputation, while offering opportunities for new talent to learn and develop.